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4Cs & All Our Kin: Business Series in Spanish (Serie de Negocios)

Feb 26, 2024    |   Local Events

This webinar series, hosted by the 4Cs of San Mateo County and All Our Kin is designed to provide support to family child care educators in order to acquire the tools to operate and develop their home-based business.

Participants will learn about marketing, risk management, accounting, asset ownership books, tax management and much more. As a note, participants will have to use technology for this series and have access to the internet. This event series will be held entirely in Spanish. 

Download the event flyer.


Esta serie esta disenada para brindarle apoyo a los educadores de cuidado infantil familiar a fin de que adquieren las heramientas para operar y desarollar su negocio con base en el hogar. Los participantes aprenderán sobre mercadeo, gestion de riesgos, contabilidad, tenencia de libros, manejo fiscal y mucho mas sin costo alguno!

Los participantes van a tener que usar tecnología para esta serie y tener acceso al internet. 

Registrar aquí.

Date & Time

Empezando el 13 de marzo al 22 de mayo. No habrá clase el 3 de abril. 

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