Are you looking for new ways to engage families in your program? Ready4K is an evidence-based family engagement curriculum that is delivered via text.
Boosting Family Engagement
When early learning programs partner with Ready4K, the parents in your program will receive text messages with fun facts and easy tips on how to promote children’s development by building on existing routines. Child care providers and educators can sign up for the texts too!
The curriculum works to help parents learn foundational skills to recognize teachable moments and connect with their children, including how to engage in child-led learning, how to have conversations with young children, and more. The information shared via text helps parents to support their child’s learning and development and aligns with learning standards of all 50 states and Head Start.
Tools for Educators and Administrators
Early learning programs can use Ready4K to send personalized messages to families. Educators also get a monthly newsletter that shares information about content that parents will be receiving in their texts. Ready4K program tools also include a dashboard and family engagement surveys, enabling early learning programs to make connections between home and school.
Getting Started
Visit the Ready4K website for more information.