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Free ECE Webinar: Designing Calm & Engaging ECE Environments

Jul 10, 2024    |   Webinar Recordings

During early childhood, playful interactions in safe and engaging learning environments support brain development and help children to build security, confidence, and resilience. Join Early Learning Investigations and ECE and environmental design specialist, Dr. Kathryn Murray, for a webinar that will explore the importance of classroom set-up to support young children’s development. 

In this webinar, participants will learn how to create spaces that are purposefully curated to build skills using play and exploration as powerful motivators for learning. In this session, you will hear about research, practical applications, and more. Join this webinar to learn how creating an intentional environment can help to support young children’s learning and engagement. 

This event has passed. To view a free recording of the webinar, visit the Early Learning Investigations website.

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