Children have an intrinsic desire to play – and play is most powerful when they can make their own choices about what to play with, and how they will play with it. Young children can find play with open-ended loose parts particularly engaging. This type of play invites children to tinker with familiar objects and use them in creative new ways.
This webinar, hosted by Early Learning Investigations and presented by authors Beth VanMeeteren, ED.D. and Dr. Allison Barness, will explore play with loose parts, and how children tinker with them.
After attending this webinar, participants will be able to…
- Identify what children use to tinker
- Describe the resulting artifacts of children’s tinkering
- Identify sets of loose parts that invite children to tinker
- Explore ways of asking questions that support and deepen children’s work in tinkering
Learn more and register via the Early Learning Investigations website.
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 2, 11 AM PT | 2 PM ET