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Free Video from Edutopia: Helping Preschoolers Cope With Separation Anxiety

As early learning professionals, we know how important it is to support the little ones in our care as they learn to process their emotions. Giving children the space and tools to process their big feelings helps them to become more confident and successful in the classroom environment.  

Drop-off can be a particularly emotional part of the day for young children, as they learn to say goodbye and separate from their parents, sometimes for the first time ever. Supporting children during this part of the day can help children practice important skills in emotional expression and regulation, and learn to adapt to new environments. 

This free video from Edutopia shows how teachers at Serra Preschool in San Francisco, California have put simple strategies in place to help equip young students with the skills to manage their emotions at drop-off time. The video is free to watch online and is just under 4-minutes.


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