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Free Video from Sesame Street: Responding with Care to Challenging Behavior

Jun 18, 2024    |   Challenging Behavior

Because young children are still developing the skills and language they need to effectively express their big feelings, those big feelings can show up as challenging behaviors. As early learning professionals, we need to be prepared to support children during these moments, in order to help them learn to process, regulate, and express their emotions. 

Sesame Street Workshop has developed this free video resource to help early childhood care & learning providers respond effectively to little ones’ challenging behaviors. The video includes an in-depth conversation with Erica Key, Founder and Chief Learning Officer of Learning Seeds, who explores strategies for supporting young children when they face emotional challenges.  

About Learning Seeds

Learning Seeds is an educator-led company dedicated to guiding early learners toward connection. For ECE professionals, Learning Seeds offers resources, training, and personalized coaching to support the young children in their care.

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