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Free Webinar: The Benefits of Outdoor Loose Parts for Play-based Learning

Mar 13, 2024    |   Webinar Recordings

Join Early Learning Investigations and natural playscape designer and author, Rusty Keeler, for a free webinar about the benefits of adding Loose Parts to your outdoor environment to support children’s play and learning! 

Rusty will share what the best materials are for Outdoor Loose Parts, where to find them in your own community, and how to manage them—from storage to safety to talking with parents and licensors about the benefits and strategies of using Loose Parts outside.  He offers webinar participants some inspiration by sharing pictures of licensed programs from around the world using natural loose parts like straw bales, sunflowers, tree cookies, and much more. 

This event will also include a consultation, in which Rusty will review playscapes of participants who send in photos ahead of time. If you are interested in getting advice on your own outdoor play space, send pictures to earthplayllc@gmail.com. He will get to as many programs as time allows.

Join Rusty to learn…

  • what “Outdoor Loose Parts” are and how they boost outdoor play and learning
  • the benefits of Outdoor Loose Parts for whole child development
  • the best kinds of Loose Parts for outdoor use
  • where to find great Outdoor Loose Parts
  • how to store, keep safe, and manage Loose Parts outside
  • how to talk about the benefits of Outdoor Loose Parts with parents and licensing.

This event has passed. To view a free recording of the webinar, visit the Early Learning Investigations website.

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