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Resource to Share with Families: Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of SMC

Sep 03, 2024    |   Local News & Resources

San Mateo County Libraries recently launched Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of San Mateo County to deliver books into the homes of our local communities!

The Imagination Library of San Mateo County invites families to sign up to receive free, monthly books in the mail for children ages 0-5. Founded by Dolly Parton, the book gifting program is offered around the world, in partnership with local organizations.

This is a fantastic resource to pass along to families in your care who might be interested in signing up, as early literacy is proven to support preschool readiness and intellectual and emotional success. Families who sign up their child age 0-5 will receive a free book in the mail each month.

How to Sign Up

  1. Visit smcl.org/imagination-libraries
  2. Fill out the required information
  3. Submit! The first book will arrive in approximately 8-12 weeks—once it does, books will be delivered each following month.


Can I sign up more than one child in my family?

Every child age 0-5 in San Mateo County is eligible for their own free monthly book. 

Where do we need to live to be eligible?

To register, children must reside in San Mateo County.

How much does it cost?

This program is free to users!

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