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Virtual Event for Families: Early Intervention Services for Ages 3 and Up

Jan 03, 2024    |   Local Events

The Family Resource Center (FRC) of San Mateo County is hosting an online training to discuss the transition from Golden Gate Regional Center’s (GGRC) Early Start Program and service options to consider at age three.

Services to consider could include ongoing services through GGRC, special education through local school districts, as well as services covered through private health insurance, Medi-Cal, or community-based services.

This training will focus on the steps, timeline, special education terms, and tips to navigate the special education system and is intended for parents of children receiving Early Intervention services through their local Regional Center and the providers who serve them. Pass registration information along to families in your care who might benefit from the information covered in this virtual event!

Date & Time

Wednesday, January 17, 4 PM PT

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