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Webinar with Promise Venture Studio: Preschool Assessments Reimagined

Mar 26, 2024    |   Webinar Recordings

Preschool assessments are meant to help us understand children’s strengths, support children’s growth, and wisely advocate for system-level policies and investments in early learning. But the way we currently assess children is often complicated, ineffective, and one-size fits-all. Join Promise Venture Studio for a free, upcoming webinar to learn about 10 new preschool assessment products designed to address these challenges. 

Participants will hear from a group of entrepreneurs dedicated to creating effective, equitable, and easy-to-use preschool assessment tools. 

Find out about this free event on the Promise Venture Studio website.

Opportunity for ECE Educators & Care Providers

Those who work in a preschool or early learning setting are invited to join this event, try out the preschool assessment tools and provide feedback. Your voice can shape the future of early education by making sure these new tools are really helpful for teachers and students.

Qualifying preschool educators (teachers, coaches, center directors, or equivalent currently working with 3-6 year olds in the United States) will receive a $150 Visa Gift Card. Learn more.

This webinar has passed. Watch a recording of the event on the Promise Venture Studio website (scroll to the bottom of the page).


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