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5 Ways to Promote your Child Care Center

Feb 14, 2019    |   Child Care Business Tools

As with any business, a childcare center needs to be shared and promoted to attract customers. If you are a director or owner of your own center, it is important to make sure that parents and families know about your center and what makes it so great! If you are having trouble getting tours or enrollment, check out some of these tips to increase interest in your business!

1. Create a website

The internet is the first stop for most parents embarking on a search for just the right care and learning environment for their child. Having a website is vital for parents to be able to review and explore your program as they conduct their research.

The website should be clean, professional, and informative. Parents want to be able to look up your center and know where you are located, see photos of the setup, read reviews from other parents, and learn about your program’s curriculum and philosophy. If parents are not able to see your program’s website, they might not feel as comfortable scheduling a tour.

Check out this article for options to build your own website, including free and reasonably priced suggestions.

2. Embrace social media

While you might feel hesitant about social media, parents will also be looking at these sites when they conduct their research. Parents will be quick to look up reviews on Google or Yelp and see if your center has a page on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Twitter. These sites are free and easy to join!

In addition to promoting your center, social media can also be a helpful way to stay in touch with families who are currently enrolled. Once you have created your accounts, let current families know so that they can follow your center and stay up to date!

3. Host an event

HiMama’s article, How to Promote a Child Care Center, recommends hosting an Open House, or Family Fair to meet prospective families. These events can be a great opportunity to spread the word about your center.

During the event, you’ll want to have materials with your center’s information on hand, such as business cards, flyers or swag items. You can have registration forms available for parents who are interested in scheduling a tour or enrollment meeting. Another way to make a good impression is to encourage guests to sign in with their name and email address so you can follow up after the event!

4. Set yourself apart

By researching other schools or child care centers in the area, you can find out what makes yours unique and emphasize that differentiator in your marketing communications!  Maybe it’s your curriculum or maybe you have a huge yard for children to spend time exploring outside. Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to toot your own horn and share what it is that sets you apart from the rest.

5. Word of Mouth

The best way that parents get information that they trust is through other parents. Families are much more likely to be interested in a center that their friends attend and are happy with. Create incentives to spread the word by offering referral discounts to parents who bring in other families who are interested in enrollment!

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