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Brain-Building Activities for Toddlers from Vroom

Nov 24, 2022    |   Infant & Toddler Learning

Are you a toddler care and early learning provider who is looking for new activities to enjoy with the children in your care? You might enjoy exploring Vroom, a free resource for parents and early learning professionals with tips for turning everyday interactions into learning opportunities.

Vroom activities incorporate support for early cognitive, language, and social development into caregiving routines. Below, you’ll find a few of our favorite toddler activities from their website. Vroom has activities for children between the ages of birth and 5 years old– the two that are included below are recommended for toddlers between the ages of two and three years old.  

Vroom Activities for Toddlers

Fitting Cups

Activity: Offer children safe containers of different sizes to play with. Use measuring cups, bowls, or whatever you have handy. Encourage the child to try placing some of the containers inside others. Talk together about what they’re doing. “Two cups fit inside the big pot.” “Which others fit? Which ones don’t?” Ask questions to keep it going!

The Activity’s Brainy Background: Children learn ideas like numbers, shapes, and sizes by using them in simple ways.  Talking with them about what they’re doing introduces them to new words, and motivates them to keep exploring and learning!

How Many Ways?

Activity: Choose an object you have available, such as a used paper towel roll, a wooden spoon, or an empty box, and challenge children to see how many different ways they can use it. For example, a paper towel roll can be a telescope, a tunnel for something small, or a musical instrument like a horn. What other items can they find around the house to explore? Take turns!

Brainy Background: Thinking of lots of new ways to use an object challenges your child’s imagination. This calls on flexible and creative thinking, which are both important skills in life and in school.

Find more activities and information about Vroom’s resources visit Vroom.org 

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