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Survey to Let Policymakers Know the Cost of Quality Child Care

May 06, 2022    |   California ECE News Updates

It is important that future reimbursement rate formulas be based on the actual cost of providing quality child care, rather than just on the amount that families can afford to pay. An independent Cost of Quality Survey, open to all center-based, family child care home, and license-exempt family friend and neighbor providers, is seeking data about childcare costs that will be shared with the California Rate Reform and Quality Workgroup as well as the Child Care Providers United-California Joint Labor Management Committee.

It is important that costs for childcare providers from across all geographies be represented in the survey results.  Individual survey responses will not be shared beyond the study team. 

The survey project is guided by the foundational principle that the early care and education system needs to: 

  • work for all children and families, particularly those furthest from opportunity; 

  • compensate the workforce at a level that allows financial sustainability and acknowledges the critical role they play in the lives of our youngest children; 

  • be fair to providers and support the full costs of implementing and improving quality; and 

  • use public resources wisely and efficiently.

You can click here to take the survey, and click here to learn more about the study.

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