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Website Usability Questionnaire

Please fill out the form below to submit your honest feedback.

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1) About You

What is your age range?(Required)
Have you ever visited the existing website?(Required)
Which device(s) do you use most often to read emails and/or social media?(Required)
Check all that apply
What device(s) do you use most often for internet searches?(Required)
Check all that apply
What device are you using for this Usability Test?(Required)
Check all that apply
What social media platform(s) do you use most often?(Required)

2) Home Page and Main Menu

If you haven't already, take a moment to review the main menu and the home page of the site.

How would you rate the appearance and clarity of the home page?(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

Go to the main menu and view the drop-down menus. Click on any drop-down menu category and browse through the page you are taken to. Did you find the information you expected to see on the page?(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

3) General Impressions

4) Navigating Website Categories

Navigate to the "Language & Literacy” category. View the most recent article in this category. Rate the ease of this task.(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

Now Navigate to the “Webinars for Educators” category. Open “Mindfulness & Resilience for Busy Schedules: Resources & Webinar Follow-Up” under the "Recordings from G2K-Hosted Webinars” subcategory. Inside this article, find the link to the webinar recording. Rate the ease of this task.(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

Finally, do a search for the term “Earth Day”. Find and view the article titled “Every-day Earth Day: Activities that Introduce Sustainability to Young Children”. Rate the ease of this task.(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

5) Finding and Using Features

While on the “Every-day Earth Day” article, find and open the Free Recycling Sort printable. Then go back to the article. Rate the ease of this task.(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

Take a moment to listen to audio of the first 30 seconds of the article. Rate the ease of this task.(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

How would you rate the sound of the voice recording?(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

Click the Good2Know Network logo at the top of the page to navigate to the home page. You may need to dismiss the newsletter invitation pop-up window to see the logo.

Scroll down the home page to the Explore Our Topics section with colored tiles. Then, click the Inclusion & Special Education category. Rate the ease of this task.(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

Open the “Anti-bias Education in Action: A Free Film about Equity and Inclusion for ECE Professionals” article. Now view the article in Spanish. Rate the ease of this task.(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

Click the Good2Know Network logo at the top of the page to navigate to the home page once again. Change the site language back to English. Rate the ease of this task.(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

Now review the main menu to find a page for those interested in advocacy opportunities. Rate the ease of this task.(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

Find the Job Board for San Mateo County ECE job postings. Rate the ease of this task.(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

6) Finding and Viewing Forms

How would you rate the ease of locating the form?(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

Please rate the form's user-friendliness.(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

7) Overall Impressions

Overall, how would you rate the website’s functionality? Why?(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

Overall, how would you rate the website’s appearance? Why?(Required)
Add any comments you might have.

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