We know that children are perfectly wired to learn multiple languages from birth. And we know that children learning multiple languages show benefits in their cognitive abilities, executive function skills, and social-emotional development.
Yet, according to new research from LENA’s “Talk Pedometer”, dual language learners (DLLs) in toddler and preschool classrooms across the U.S. are experiencing significantly lower levels of interaction with their teachers, when compared to their monolingual, English-speaking peers.
This webinar will present the data and tackle a very big question: How do we push aside myths about “language barriers” and deficits to arrive at a place where one child’s multilingualism is recognized as an asset for all?
In this webinar, participants will hear from the following panel of experts and advocates who will discuss what can be done to foster equitable early learning environments.

This event has passed, but you can still view a recording of the webinar.