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Webinars with Stanford Center on Early Childhood: Climate & Young Children

Aug 30, 2023    |  

Stanford Center on Early Childhood is posting a two-part webinar series on climate and young children. Participants will hear from those who are studying and witnessing the impacts of climate change on the youngest in our communities, as they share their thinking, explore connections, advance solutions, and chart paths forward.

Webinar 1: Learning and Development & Community

Thursday, September 14, 11 AM PT

Children’s access to a robust set of experiences, including interaction with the outdoors, their peers and those who care and educate them is a critical driver of their healthy learning and development. This webinar will explore how climate change and environmental degradation threaten children’s access to these opportunities. Speakers include:

  • Sheila Williams Ridge, Co-Director of the Child Development Laboratory School at the University of Minnesota
  • Christy Merrick, Director of the Natural Start Alliance
  • Antwanye Ford, Co-Chair of the Early Years Climate Action Task Force
  • Nat Kendall-Taylor, Chief Executive Officer at the FrameWorks Institute
  • Special virtual guest Laura Schifter, Harvard Graduate School of Education Lecturer and Senior Fellow at the Aspen Institute
  • Moderator Abigail Stewart-Kahn, Managing Director of the Stanford Center on Early Childhood

Webinar 2: Physical and Mental Health & Community

Thursday, September 21, 9 AM PT

Ensuring children, beginning before birth and continuing into the early years, are healthy and happy is a critical foundation for all that comes later. This webinar will explore how the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation have demonstrated negative effects on the health of children both physically and mentally. Speakers include:

  • Jammie Albert, Program Manager for Early Childhood Success at the National League of Cities
  • Anya Kamenetz, author, journalist, and advisor to the Aspen Institute and the Climate Mental Health Network
  • Lisa Patel, Executive Director for the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health
  • Special virtual guest Mark Del Monte, CEO/Executive Vice President of the American Academy of Pediatrics

Moderator Philip Fisher, Director of the Stanford Center on Early Childhood

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