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Book Review: The Emotional Life of the Toddler

The toddler stage of development is full of big emotions, lots of activity, and strong opinions. Working with children of this age can be challenging for caregivers. The Emotional Life of the Toddler, written by Dr. Alicia Lieberman, provides insight into development, temperament, and challenging behaviors. You will find the information in this book valuable if you are a toddler educator, have toddlers in your program, or if you are the parent of a toddler.

Although the information is geared towards parents, the book provides valuable insight for caregivers and anyone else who spends time with a toddler. This book’s combination of research and case studies will help you understand and support toddler behaviors in a more successful and meaningful way. Click here to purchase and find more information about this book.

About the Author

The author, Dr. Alicia Leiberman, is well-known in the field of early learning and mental health. She is the Chair in Infant Mental Health and Vice Chair for Academic Affairs at the UCSF Department of Psychiatry, and the Director of the Child Trauma Research Program. Previously, she served as the president of the board of directors of Zero to Three.

Dr. Lieberman is currently the director of the Early Trauma Treatment Network (ETTN), a collaborative of four university sites, including the UCSF/SFGH Child Trauma Research Program, Boston Medical Center, Louisiana State University Medical Center, and Tulane University. Her current research involves treatment outcome evaluation of the efficacy of child-parent psychotherapy with trauma-exposed children aged birth to six and with pregnant women involved in domestic violence.

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