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Seminario web sobre liderazgo en la EPI: Formación de líderes dentro de su programa

This webinar, hosted by Early Learning Investigations, and presented by experienced child care program leader and coach Jamarrion Tabor, will share actionable insights and strategies to foster leadership potential among your staff members.

In this session, participants will learn how nurturing leaders from within offers a range of benefits, including enhanced employee retention, loyalty, and mission-driven company culture. 

Jamarrion will help participants begin planning a clear path for growth so that staff members are more likely to remain engaged and committed to your ECE organization. 

Join this free webinar to…

  • Understand the benefits of nurturing your existing staff into future leaders,
  • Learn strategies for identifying potential organizational leaders based on specific character traits and skills.
  • Gain insights into creating a comprehensive leadership development curriculum that will develop employees for leadership roles.
  • Plan for internal promotions that enhance employee retention and contribute to a strong company culture.

Learn more about this free event

This event has passed. Watch a recording of this webinar here.

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