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Podcasts para tus desplazamientos

Whether your work is an hour away or just a few minutes down the road, morning and evening commutes offer an opportunity to squeeze in a little “me time” by listening to a podcast. There are podcasts on a variety of different topics that can help you to learn a new skill, catch up on the latest research, or take a few minutes to practice mindfulness and relaxation. There are even a few podcasts that discuss topics related to early learning and education.

Today, we are sharing a few of our favorites to enjoy during your commute or maybe even to take a few minutes to decompress during your break.

Early Learning Podcasts

  1. The Preschool Podcast: This Podcast, hosted by HiMama, shares stories, tips, and advice for those working in an early learning setting. The podcast interviews experts in the early learning field and releases a new episode every Tuesday. Some of our favorite episodes are Adult Play to Sustain Your Team and Developing Social Competencies in Children

  2. The Early Childhood Research Podcast: This show is older, and has not had a new episode in a while. But, there are several episodes available to listen to, all on a variety of different topics. Some of our favorite episodes are Does Movement Improve Learning Outcomes? and Emergent Writing: Why Children’s Play Choices Affect Learning

Noteworthy Episodes of Popular Podcasts

  1. Hidden Brain’s Baby Talk (Decoding The Secret Language Of Babies): Hidden Brain is an NPR radio show that combines the power of storytelling with research to help listeners better understand “the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior.” This particular episode explores the development of speech acquisition and how young children learn to communicate by babbling.

  2. The Longest Shortest Time’s Dear Mister Rogers: The Longest Shortest Time is a podcast that shares stories of parenting and childhood. This episode discusses social-emotional development, the importance of strong adult role models, and the legacy of Fred Rogers.

  3. Dora’s Lasting Magic from NPR’s Code Switch: Code Switch is a race and culture outlet and a weekly podcast from NPR. Dora’s Lasting Magic explores how the team at Nickelodeon developed Dora the Explorer’s character and how her mission to empower Latinx children and normalize bilingualism is more relevant now than ever before.

Podcasts for Personal Development and Wellness

  1. Meditation Minis with Chel Hamilton: Hypnotherapist Chel Hamilton leads short, guided meditations (most in 10 minutes or less). These relaxing, guided meditations are created for busy adults, who feel there are not enough hours in the day to take a moment to meditate and unwind.

  2. Cleaning up the Mental Mess with Dr. Caroline Leaf: Dr. Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist, author, and a mental health expert. This podcast shares practical tools to help listeners take control of their mental, emotional, and physical health.

  3. Happier With Gretchen Rubin: Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project and Better Than Before cohosts this podcast with her sister, Elizabeth. The two share practical, manageable advice about happiness and good habits.

Share your Favorites

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