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Quick Stress Management Practices for Educators Starting a New School Year

Aug 09, 2023    |   Educator Self-Care
early childhood teacher writing with young children in preschool classroom

Heading into a new school year can be an overwhelming time for educators. Between setting up classrooms, connecting with new families, and preparing for new children, back-to-school time is both exciting and stressful! 

Mindful.org offers some help with quick and easy self-compassion practices that educators and care providers can use to ease the transition into the new school year. Each practice is brief, easy to incorporate into daily routines, and helpful for managing moments of stress. 

Find a quick overview of a few of the practices below, or read the full article here

  1. Use supportive touch. When feeling stressed, care for yourself with a soothing touch to promote feelings of calm. This can be done by gently placing your hand over your heart or on your chest, and feeling the gentle pressure and warmth of your hand as you take deep, soothing breaths. 
  2. Talk to yourself the way you would talk to the children in your care. When feeling overwhelmed, pause to talk to yourself in the caring, comforting way you would speak with a child in your classroom. Think of some kind, encouraging words you might say to the child, such as “You’re doing great,” “I know you can do it,” or “It’s been a hard day– I’m proud of how brave and strong you’ve been!” 
  3. Take a self-compassion break. In moments of high stress, give yourself some compassion and positive self-talk using the steps below. 
    • Without judgment, notice how you feel about the situation. Try saying to yourself, “This is a moment of difficulty,” or “This is stressful.” 
    • Acknowledge that these feelings are normal parts of life. Try saying to yourself, “Difficulty is a part of life,” “I’m not alone,” or “Everyone experiences moments like this…just like me.”
    • End with a moment of kindness toward yourself and the challenges you’re facing. Try saying to yourself, “May I be kind to myself,” “May I be strong,” or “May I be patient.” 
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