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Recursos de preparación ante emergencias de la CCAoA para programas de bebés y niños pequeños

May 04, 2023    |   Programas ECE seguros y saludables

Caring for infants and toddlers is a big responsibility under “normal” conditions. When something unforeseen happens, such as a natural disaster or emergency event, childcare responsibilities assume an even greater magnitude. Infants and toddlers are especially vulnerable in emergencies, when getting them to safety  requires extra planning and preparation.

The following emergency preparedness resources, provided by Child Care Aware of America (CCAoA), offer helpful guidance:

  • Printable infographic which includes a checklist of important items to grab in the event of an emergency

  • Printable flyer, which includes a list of items that you can do ahead of time to ensure that you are prepared for an emergency evacuation. The flyer also provides tips for getting all children out the door safely

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